Wednesday, February 09, 2005

TELOF Workshop from

I have stumbled to news on infotech and have visited Dondi Mapa who works for the Commission on Information and Communications Technology of the Republic of the Philippines.

I have posted some comments and suggestions for the articles below... you can visit my post comments at this link at :

Or view my comments below

TELOF Workshop, February 10-11

I've been invited to make a presentation on "e-Business" to the planning workshop of the Telecommunications Office (also known as TELOF). TELOF is a group within CICT, and is headed by Commissioner Elberto Emphasis.

TELOF operates and maintains various telecomm facilities nationwide. Many of these facilities were privatized in the '90s, but the following are still owned and operated by the government (click on the links for detailed descriptions):

One of the conditions needed to create 1 million jobs is an adequate telecomms infrastructure. Not just within Metro Manila, but nationwide, so that the jobs can be created all over the Philippines. TELOF is facing a strategic juncture in its history. The private sector has reached historical levels of growth on the back of mind-boggling SMS and cellular services transaction volumes. New technologies such as Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, and Power Line Communications are making it easier than ever to deploy broadband networks.

Should government continue to operate its own network, especially for those hard-to-reach areas where private sector dares not tread? Should government continue spending taxpayer money to subsidize the network? Should TELOF put up its own international gateway facility (Read this Computerworld article for more info)?

Give me your comments, I'll pass them on to Commissioner Emphasis and his group as inputs to their workshop. And perhaps he'll put up his own blog too ;-)

Here's My Comments and Suggestions for TELOF Managements....

At 3:25 AM, Martin Angelo Dideles said...

To: Commissioner Emphasis of TELOF and group

Hello this is Martin from Mindanao ( involve in ICT

consultancy, Im a Mindanao Native although I have graduated and pass ECE in Manila.

I have worked for almost 4 years in one Paptelco Company, which is serving Telecom services like TELOF, work in Planning Department as well in Data Marketing and consultancy. I have some suggestions for TELOF and heres the story-suggestions lists.

Heres the List where TELOF Management need to look through:

1. TELOF for me have great capabilities, mostly TELOF switches are high ends such as ITALTELs, etc. They have great capability but poor marketing and in business side (Not to hurt people in TELOF).The
problem with TELOF is there is no Right person handling the business of Telecommunications, mostly their engineers work only to what the job prescribed to them much more different working in a private Company which the CEO is forcing the people on working for a return of investment. In Telof there is no in charge for this job (Which primarily for me is the most important one), as long the network is laid and the switches is configured and thats it, if you are interested just come in the TELOF office and apply, much different in private companies that they go House to House to sell telephone lines.

By the way theres no one to blame on this, you can not blame people on this. But you can blame the business system or the system itself. Heard of the lateral attrition bill? maybe it can be applied in TELOF
offices. Give employees incentives every subscribers enrolled in TELOF, or fire people if they cant met their subscribers data rate. Well maybe good or bad, but its an Idea, we can fine tune this technik :)

2. Why TELOF is lossing? lets put a case like these, in my Hometown City, theres a new Subdivision Open and its tenants there in the new Subdivision is looking for a landline. They inquire the Private Telco
Company, and also Inquire the TELOF.

The Private Telco Company answers we will expand our network in this area and you can wait a couple of weeks after our Boss signed the project design.

The TELOF replies, sorry sir. our expansion budget will be approve next year, you can wait next year sir.

Well have you get the flow?, why TELOF always expanding but no subscribers. Its because its too late for them. TELOF budget are not flexible enough and liquid enough to support fast investment which also cater fast returns. TELOF must something do some new budgeting scheme for TELOF franchises offices, in order to compete.

3. TELOF now is for me a dying Government investment, but TELOF can make a change. Heres maybe a system that will bring TELOF again. "Make TELOF Calls local nationwide" this means TELOF to TELOF Calls are local.

Theres many way they can localize TELOF network, purchase one big Softswitch and network all voice calls through VOIP. IF Sun Cellular can do it, what more can Telof can do which is a Government Agency?

Heres also another suggestions, TELOF could partner PAPTELCOS instead of competing with PAPTELCO, TELOF can concentrate also in providing affordable Local Leased Lines nationwide between Paptelco to Paptelco.

Paptelco Companies are dying without leased lines and interconnection which is mostly provided by PLDT. Yes TELOF can do it, today Microwave and Leased Lines equipments are cheaper enough compare into yesteryears, not to mention new switching technologies emerging such as VOIP, IPbox, etc. I look someday that the Philippines was fully networked by the Government, through TELOF.

4. TELOF should get rid in expanding their Twisted Copper, Copper Twisted is an old technology. If they want to broaden their perspective

TELOF should expand through COAX and broadband technology. Twisted Copper Technologies have only the maximum at best at 754 Kbps through DSL. Well Today its fast enough but what is that after 5-10 years or 20 Years, this speed is nothing. Look up yester Years 500 MB of hard disk is large enough but today Hard Disks go on 20 Gig- 40 GIG as well 80-GIG for an ordinary Home PC Usage. So that will be the same for the transmission rate, even 256 Kbps what will be its usage after 10 years?

If TELOF would go on to E-business they must look up their transmission capabilities, a twisted copper for an e-business after 5 years is a very very slow. Its useless to laid out network copper expansion in these days. Look up first world countries, twisted copper is a history for them, broadband technologies is what is in them today.

I just heard Talks about PLDT buying Skycable, well do you sense the motive? its because PLDT wants to go broadband. These days PLDT have shifted technologies and they themselves sense it, thats why they are not the same agressive Company in expanding copper network like the yesteryears of the Zero Backlog projects. Landline Phone Business is down, evrything goes on the cellphones these days. A case like these We have a sari sari store, a mini tindahan infront of our house, we earn for almost 700-800 gross daily and guess what 600 pesos of the gross income comes from E-loads and Auto Loads, the ordinary Filipino have set aside great budget for communication costs using cellphones. How about you, everyone? how much percentage does your Cellphone Loads in your Monthly Gross?

If Telof purpose also is to gather and served landline applicants, well I suggest not to anymore laid out Copper Networks anymore instead why bring home again Nextel Technologies? The company that brings you in
the past Local Calls Unlimitted and mobile. These if TELOF have, they have the edge for GSM technologies. In Mindanao, people who do farming doesnt need anymore landline phones instead they have cellphones. TelOF
if they can served Local Wireless Phone. Im sure it will be a click in Baranggays as well in urban areas.


Should government continue to operate its own network, especially for those hard-to-reach areas where private sector dares not tread?

-Yes , people in the province primary purposes in applying landlines is to have Internet ACCESS, Landline Phone to use today comes only secondary to many. They all have cellphones already ! .

Should government continue spending taxpayer money to subsidize the network?

-Indeed yes, if this money used properly in layouting the TELOF network. Government should also allocate priority in Networking the Philippines with a Government own Network.

For me, One hindrance why Philippines does not progress fast because the Philippines was divided by thousands of islands, with network communications for an affordable price, Philippines can progress fast.

Heres a three thumb rule for Philippines Communication

We can not communicate if we can not afford it.
We Isolate each other when we can not communicate.
We can not progress if we Isolate each other.

So bring Down Communications cost through Government Network.

Should TELOF put up its own international gateway facility ?

-This is not a question anymore, TELOF is a Communication system where you can communicate with other system may it be Nationwide or an International gateway.

But maybe the question serves a right to be ask, since TELOF have not yet already have an International Gateway as far as I know for now.

To Commisioner Emphasis of TELOF, More power and hope you can learn something from our suggestions. TELOF is the Telecommunications system for the Filipino people, it must serve the Filipino People at the right services and at the right time.

I am willing and happy to contribute suggestions and ideas for the development of TELOF. We can work more progress, if ordinary Filipino People like us can take part in suggesting new ideas for Government Flagship Projects. Kudos to Dondi for creating such a blog like this!

For ICT Consultancy Services, Contact us Sir, Visit my website for free personal consultancy services. ( I am open to provide ICT consultancy services, To Mr. Commsioners... Pls. Hire us... chao :)

Martin Angelo Dideles /
M-Designs and Solutions
+ 63 919-2980744


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